Friday, January 1, 2010

Common Mistakes in Flower Arranging

Flower arranging is truly an enjoyable activity. There are a number of ways in which you can learn how to do it. But there are still mistakes that most of our flower arrangers fail to notice and what is surprising about it is that most of these mistakes are the common and basic ones.

Included below are common mistakes made by flower usa arrangers and how they can be avoided.

Crowded arrangement - do not use too many variations of flower especially if you do not know the meaning of each of them. This will create confusion specifically to a person with floral knowledge. Remember that having too many flowers is not pleasing to the eyes either.

Cluttered look - do not make an arrangement consisting of fully bloomed flowers or just flower buds. An arrangement of this kind will make it look too cluttered. For better results, mix fully grown flowers and buds together.

Improper container - do not use a vase larger than the one required. Having a large vase for small stemmed flowers will not allow proper absorption of water making the flowers wilt faster.

The bigger, the better - if you are a beginner, you should start working with small arrangements rather than larger ones. Learning is a step by step process in any activity. Improve your knowledge and skills by starting from the basics.

Improper stem cutting - Do not make a straight cut when trimming the flower delivery usa stem. It should be trimmed in an angle using a sharp scissor or knife.

Bacterial problem - Using floral foam will avoid the growth of bacteria and will make your flower look fresher.

Last minute arranging - Flower arranging needs time and effort. Hastening it will not produce a good result. Give time to your work and do it slowly.